Celebrating International Women’s Day 2024

By Tanvi

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Every year on March 8th, the world comes together to celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD). This day serves two crucial purposes: acknowledging the remarkable achievements of women across all spheres of life and advocating for continued progress towards complete gender equality.

The theme for IWD 2024 is “Inspire Inclusion,” underscoring the importance of creating a world where all women feel valued, empowered, and actively involved in shaping the future. To achieve this vision, it’s essential to not only celebrate individual successes but also address the systemic inequalities that continue to hinder women’s advancement.

A Century of Progress, with More to Achieve

The story of IWD is one of resilience and collective action. The first International Women’s Day celebrations took place in 1911, sparked by a growing social and political movement demanding better working conditions and voting rights for women. Over the following century, significant progress has been made. Women have secured voting rights in most countries, increased their representation in education and the workforce, and made groundbreaking contributions to science, technology, literature, and the arts.

However, the fight for gender equality is far from over. Women still face significant challenges, including:

  • The Gender Pay Gap: Women globally continue to earn significantly less than men for the same work, despite having similar qualifications and experience.
  • Underrepresentation in Leadership: Women remain vastly underrepresented in leadership positions across various sectors, hindering diverse perspectives and solutions.
  • Gender-Based Violence: Women and girls continue to experience a disproportionate share of violence and harassment, both in public and private spaces.
  • Access to Education and Healthcare: Millions of girls around the world still lack access to quality education and essential healthcare services.

Inspiring Inclusion: A Call to Action

The theme of IWD 2024, “Inspire Inclusion,” calls for a multifaceted approach to addressing these challenges. Here are some key areas where individuals and organizations can contribute:

  • Challenge Biases and Stereotypes: Recognizing and dismantling unconscious biases, challenging harmful stereotypes, and promoting inclusive language are crucial steps towards creating a more equitable environment.
  • Invest in Girls’ Education: Educating girls is not only a fundamental right but also essential for breaking the cycle of poverty and empowering future generations.
  • Support Women-Led Businesses: Investing in and supporting women-owned businesses can provide crucial economic opportunities for women and contribute to a more diverse and resilient economy.
  • Promote Gender Equality at Work: Implementing equal pay policies, providing opportunities for professional development, and creating family-friendly work environments are vital steps towards ensuring women have equal opportunities to thrive in their careers.
  • Advocate for Policy Change: Lobbying for policies that promote gender equality, such as paid parental leave and affordable childcare, can create systemic change and remove barriers faced by many women.

Celebrating Individual and Collective Achievements

Beyond advocating for change, IWD is also a time to celebrate the incredible achievements of women worldwide. From scientists making groundbreaking discoveries to athletes breaking records, from entrepreneurs building successful businesses to artists inspiring through their creativity, women are playing a vital role in shaping a better future for all. These individual stories serve as powerful reminders of the immense potential women hold and the positive impact they have on the world.

Beyond the Day: Sustaining the Momentum for Gender Equality

While International Women’s Day provides a dedicated platform for amplifying the voices of women and advocating for equality, it’s crucial to remember that the pursuit of this goal isn’t confined to a single day. Here are some ways to keep the momentum going beyond March 8th:

Individual Actions:

  • Educate Yourself: Continue to learn about the various issues affecting women around the world, including access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. Explore resources provided by organizations like UN Women, the World Economic Forum, and local NGOs working in women’s empowerment.
  • Start Conversations: Discuss gender equality issues with your friends, family, and colleagues. Engage in respectful and open-minded conversations, fostering understanding and challenging harmful stereotypes.
  • Support Women-Led Initiatives: Seek out and support organizations and businesses led by women. This can involve volunteering your time, attending events, or choosing to purchase from women-owned businesses whenever possible.
  • Be an Active Bystander: Speak up against sexism and gender-based discrimination in your everyday life. Challenge biased or discriminatory remarks, and encourage others to do the same.

Organizational Initiatives:

  • Implement Diversity and Inclusion Programs: Organizations can establish and implement comprehensive diversity and inclusion programs within their workplaces. This can involve unconscious bias training, creating a culture of mentorship and sponsorship for women, and ensuring equal opportunities for advancement.
  • Partner with Women-Led Organizations: Partner with organizations working on women’s empowerment initiatives, either through financial support, volunteer resources, or collaboration on specific projects.
  • Champion Gender Equality Policies: Businesses and organizations can advocate for policies that promote gender equality, such as pay transparency, equal parental leave, and affordable childcare options.

Leveraging Technology:

  • Utilize Social Media Platforms: Utilize social media platforms to raise awareness about IWD and other issues related to gender equality. Share informative content, use relevant hashtags like #IWD2024 and #InvestInWomen, and engage with others who share your passion for achieving equality.
  • Support Online Advocacy Tools:ย Utilize online platforms that connect individuals with opportunities to support women’s rights causes. This can involve signing petitions, donating to campaigns, or participating in online advocacy efforts.


International Women’s Day serves as a powerful reminder that the journey towards gender equality is a continuous one. By embracing the spirit of “Inspire Inclusion,” engaging in collective action, and celebrating individual and collective achievements, we can create a world where all women can reach their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building a more just and equitable future for everyone.


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